
The Cedar Grove

As you enter the property a Grove of Cedars, over a hundred years old, will direct you to your destination.  Don’t worry - they look like the talking trees from Greek Mythology or the Lord of the Rings, but be assured these guys are extremely friendly.

In the Lord of the Rings, Treebeard (The Leader) lived in the Forest of Fangorn near Isengard and his motto was 'Do not be hasty', which might explain why he held up JRR Tolkien's plot so much with his endless stories.

Take your time on the short journey “do not be hasty” these old guys just may talk to you.

The Main House

Located on a 200-acre property in picturesque Lanark Highlands - it was the original home of the Parks Family.  The Main Home has the charm of a 160-year-old cedar log home melded with the convenience of a 21st century family home.  The farm is owned and operated by Tim and Cathy Sharpe who welcome you to their 200-acre (mostly) forest.

The Barn

Cedar Bliss is located in an 1860 hip roof barn, also known as a gambrel which refers to a roof with two symmetrical slopes on both sides. It was a large part of the working farm. The granary was essential to the farm and its livestock and provided income for family at that time. Located in the front of the barn, the granary contained and stored the threshed grain or animal feed. The horses delivered the grain to the granary for thrashing and sorting. The original floors, which were trod by horse and wagon, are now located in the service area and band stand in the newly renovated barn. The original barn doors were repurposed to wall board and serving tables in the main room. The new barn doors, locally made, open to the area the horses once trod, and now to a beautiful, original hemlock post and beam structure with pine, milled from the property, or locally sourced, walls, floors and finishings.

The barn was lovingly restored by Tim and local craftsmen.